Preventative Strategies in
Contract Negotiation and Gig Work

You’re an artist and just booked a new gig? That’s exciting! But wait, did you receive a contract? Did you agree to the gig in writing? Oh, you trust that the person who booked you will stick to their word? Well that’s great, but what if they don’t? Let’s get you set up with some preventative strategies that will keep you and your work protected!

Contracts can be formal or informal. Remember; emails are legally binding contracts. It’s best to have any negotiation via email and to keep a written record of all communications of gig work with your potential employer. The most important thing to receive from an employer in writing is:

  • Amount you will be paid
  • Date you will be paid
  • Form of payment - etransfer/cheque/direct deposit Ensure that you give them the name you can cash cheques with 
  • Date, location, call time and performance time 
  • Role and contract expectations

Employers should ask about any access needs when contracting you as an artist. Ensure your requests are written down and clearly communicated with your employer.

Access needs can include things such as:

  • Captioning or ASL translation
  • Venue Accessibility information
  • Clarity on other participants 
  • Various cultural safety needs

It can be helpful to have a folder of the following information ready to send to employers:

  • Bio and photo (see our bio writing guide!)
  • Tech Rider if you’re a musician
  • Access Needs


Standard rates for payment can be found at the following websites:

CADA/West (for dancers and performers)

CARFAC-RAAV (for visual artists)